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Grafana turn your dashboards into images

grafana - render - dashboard - grafana-render - image


We are going to see how we can convert our Grafana dashboards into images, so we can share them anywhere, for example in slack, discord, microsoft teams, etc. With this we will be able to preview our dashboards without the need to enter Grafana and create automations to send them to our teams.


Note: We need a running instance of Grafana, version 8.3.11 or higher. Grafana >=8.3.11

We need to have the plugin Grafana Image Renderer installed in our Grafana, to be able to render our dashboards in images, and to generate the necessary endpoints to be able to make the requests.

The first option is to install this plugin from its CLI, using the following command:

Terminal window
grafana-cli plugins install grafana-image-renderer

Another option is to install it via docker, for that we need to add the following image to our docker-compose:

version: "2"
image: grafana/grafana:latest
- ‘3000:3000’
GF_RENDERING_SERVER_URL: http://renderer:8081/render
GF_RENDERING_CALLBACK_URL: http://grafana:3000/
GF_LOG_FILTERS: rendering:debug
image: grafana/grafana-image-renderer:latest
- 8081

To start the services, run:

docker-compose up

Note: Make sure you have your API Key from Grafana, in order to be able to make API requests.


Step 1: Get the UID of the dashboard

The first thing we need is the UID of the dashboard we want to render, for this we are going to use the Grafana API.

Terminal window
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY" \

"id": 36,
"uid": "vmIdaerGu",
"title": "AWS ALB Cloudwatch Metrics",
"type": "dash-db",
"tags": [
"id": 37,
"uid": "AWSEc2001",
"title": "AWS EC2",
"type": "dash-db",
"tags": [

With this we will get a list of all the dashboards we have in our Grafana, and we will be able to see the UID of each one, so we are only interested in the uid and title node to know which dashboard we want to render.

Step 2: Get the dashboard detail

Next we need to get the detail of this dashboard, for that we use the following command:

Terminal window
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY" \

"meta": {
"dashboard": {
"panels": [
"id": 19,
"title": "Healthy targets"
"id": 20,
"title": "Unhealthy targets"

From here we will obtain the JSON with all the information of our dashboard, and its panels in the node dashboard.panels, we are interested in the id of each panel to be able to render it and the title to identify it.

Step 3: Render the panel

As a last step, we need to make the request to the endpoint of our Grafana Image Renderer, for that we use the following command:

Terminal window
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY" \
"https://GRAFANA_URL/render/d-solo/DASHBOARD_UID/graph-panel?orgId=ORG_ID&from=INIT_TIMESTAMP&to=END_TIMESTAMP&panelId=PANEL_ID&width=1000&height=500&tz=UTC&scale=1" \
--output imagen_dashboard.png

Make sure you change the values of these mandatory variables:

Note: You can change the width and height to change the size of the image. You can also change the tz to change the timezone and the scale to change the image quality.

This will generate an imagen_dashboard.png file with your dashboard image.



I have left an example of a library I made in Typescript to make this easier, This library provides you with 3 methods to render your dashboards, which are the 3 steps we saw before. Take it as a guide to make your own automations. You can see the code in this repository